Tufts is a student-centered research university that fuels a lifelong passion for creativity, collaboration, and civic engagement, as well as a shared mission to address the most consequential challenges of our time—one we ask you to join with boundless optimism so that together, we may light a path to a Brighter World.
#TuftsGivingTuesday was a resounding success. Find detailed results at givingdays.tufts.edu.

International chair of Brighter World’s Campaign Cabinet Ankur Sahu focuses on how Tufts can have a greater impact globally.

Pauline Eveillard
Arts & Sciences Campaign Committee member Pauline Eveillard enjoys learning about the Brighter World campaign’s impact throughout the university.

Engineering Campaign Committee member Jon Levy relates how he uses his own giving as a framework for encouraging others to give.

Find Your Cause
- Access to Higher Education
- 墙外有啥有趣的网站吗? - bgm:2021-6-10 · 事实上我现在梯子用的最多的就是谷歌搜索+Google Play。 其他的都是低频需求,但是有梯子的时候你可众在有需要的时候随时打开UTB和Twitter等站点,而不是硬生生被拦在里面啥都不能做 顺带我看了下蓝灯的专业版卖的挺贵的,两年336。
- Animal Health & Welfare
- Disease Prevention
- Global Security
- Obesity, Malnutrition & Food Inequity
- Strengthening Democracy
- Sustaining a Healthy Planet
School & University Priorities
- University-Wide
- Athletics Facilities
- Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
- Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
- 2021安卓好用的梯子,ios,windows都可众 - 简书:2021-7-24 · 面对现在的高墙,虽然有很多的伕替品,也逃不了几天就完蛋的命运。 就比如说我在谷歌浏览器上面的插件,我当初在谷歌浏览器应用里看见一个叫做红杏的,试用了三天觉得速度相当快,然后我...
- Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (HNRCA)
- 请问如何找到梯子 - 穷游问答:2021-4-30 · 现在ssr节点的梯子太容易封了,体验很差,推荐个自用的Trojan协议梯子,不容易封 https://xbsj3462.fun/i/ask006 大家可众试试
- School of Arts and Sciences
- School of Dental Medicine
- School of Engineering
- School of Medicine
- School of the Museum of Fine Arts (SMFA) at Tufts
- 现在墙内可众用的梯子
Thank you for helping us raise $1 billion to make a Brighter World!